Wanderung: Fehmarn, East Coast & South Coast (29 km)
Let us celebrate the public holiday with a coastal hike on Fehmarn, Germanys third largest island!
After leaving Puttgarden behind, our path is following the coastline on the dike or along the beach and mostly on top of the cliffs, until we reach the seaside resort Burgtiefe. From there we move inland to our destination, the city of Burg. Due to the sparse timetable of Deutsche Bahn we will propably have an hour to spent in Burg, that can be used for a refreshment or a city walk. We do not have to rush while hiking, but because of the length some condition is required. Please bring your own food and drinks.
We meet in Hamburg Hauptbahnhof at 8:10 in front of the DB-Reisecenter to buy shared SH-tickets, costs per person ~10€. We take the train at 8:27 and arrive in Puttgarden at 10:58. For the return from Burg we will use the train at 19:31 and will be back in Hamburg at 21:51.
Important: This event only takes place in good weather. If too much rain is announced, the event will be canceled by 12 noon on Wednesday, October 2nd at the latest.
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