Wanderung Good Friday Hike from Ratzeburg Around Lake Lankow & Lake Mechow (30km)
This round trip starts and ends in Ratzeburg at the bus stop Demolierung near town hall. From Ratzeburg we will walk east and traverse the Salemer moor. Later on the hike will follow the shore line of Garrensee, Lankower See and Mechower See. Part of the hike is following the former german/german border.
We will meet in Wandsbek Markt at the terminal for Bus 8700 at 8:20. Ratzeburg is part of the HVV area. With a HVV Profi-Card, Abo-Card or Semester-Ticket you can go for free and can be accompanied by an additional hiker (Profi-Card and Abo-Card only). Otherwise a 5 rings (ABCDE) ticket is needed. Group tickets may be bought at Wandsbek Markt together. The Bus starts at 8:40 and arrives in Ratzeburg 9:40. In the case of mixed weather we should be able to catch the bus at 16:25 for the return. In good weather, with longer breaks, we will use the bus at 17:25 which arrives at Wandsbeck Markt at 18:25.
Walking pace will be not too slow at about 5 km/h. While hiking please try to not fall back to far without giving notice, otherwise you may get lost. Please bring your own food and drinks, there are no possibilities to stock up during the hike.
Details and application on the mentioned website.