Wanderung Through the East from Lauenburg to Büchen (24km)
After starting in Lauenburg we will follow the Elbe river to the east until we enter the federal state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. There we turn north and walk all the way till Büchen through the nature reserve called Stecknitz-Delvenau-Niederung, plus an additional loop around Lake Zweedorf.
Some trails are expected to be heavily overgrown, so it is recommended to wear long pants. This will be a rather sportive hike, during the hike please try to not fall back to far without giving notice, otherwise you may get lost. Please bring your own food and drinks, there are no possibilities to stock up during the hike.
We meet at Hamburg Hauptbahnhof at 8:35 in front of DB-Reisecenter (entrance Heidi-Kabel-Platz, inside) and take the train at 8:57, change train in Lüneburg and arrive in Lauenburg at 9:58. Lauenburg and Büchen are both part of the HVV area, holders of a Proficard can go for free and can be accompanied by an additional hiker. If more tickets are needed, we will buy shared HVV group tickets (26,50€ for up to 5 persons). For the back trip we will most likely use the train from Büchen at 17:07 or, on mixed weather with a smaller group and shorter breaks, at 16:04.
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