Wanderung Autumn Hike Through Sachsenwald (24 km)
Let us go for a hike through the colored autumn forests of Sachsenwald! This time we will skip the nothern part with the famous Bille valley trail and will instead hike an extended round through the southern territories. Start and ending point of this circular hike is the station S-Aumühle.
This will be a rather sportive hike. Please take care to not fall back to far without giving notice, otherwise you may get lost. Please bring your own food and drinks, there are no possibilities to stock up during the hike.
From Hamburg city to Aumühle a 3 rings (ABC) HVV ticket is required. Those who want to share tickets may meet at 10:10 in front of the DB-Reisezentrum in Hbf (entrance Heidi-Kabel-Platz, inside) and take the S21 at 10:24, which will arrive in Aumühle at 10:56. I will join in Aumühle at 11:00. Please make sure be in time, we will not wait for the next train!
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